The Social, Behavioral and Experimental Economics Seminar Series brings together a coherent and vital community of economics scholars whose research aims to broaden our understanding of the social, economic, and political consequences of real-life decisions and behaviors.

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This seminar series is organized jointly by Professors Yan Chen (UMSI), Alain Cohn (UMSI), Erin Krupka (UMSI), Steve Leider (Ross), David Miller (Econ), Yesim Orhun (Ross), Tanya Rosenblat (UMSI), and Basit Zafar (Econ). Todd Stuart serves as seminar coordinator.

Schedule for Winter 2025

Mondays, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM ET

Ross School of Business

Date Speaker Speaker Institution Title Location
March 17 Dmitry Taubinsky University of California Berkeley Welfare and the Act of Choosing Ross School of Business Room B3580
April 3 4pm-5:15pm Gautam Rao University of California Berkeley Not Learning from Others and Learning in the Household Ross School of Business Room B3560
April 14 Victoria Prowse Purdue University Dynamic Investment in Teamwork Skill Ross School of Business Room B3570
April 21 Sevgi Yuksel New York University TBD Ross School of Business Room B3570
Link to previous meetings