Welcome to the University of Michigan’s BEE Lab!

We are a group of behavioral economists from three units — the Economics Department, the Ross Business School, and the School of Information. Our research focuses on how people make economic decisions. Much of our research uses experiments in a physical laboratory, such as the Behavioral Research Lab in North Quad, or online. We also run field experiments in naturalistic settings.
We meet weekly during the semester in the BEE Lab Meeting to discuss ongoing projects and best practices for conducting research, as well as hold discussions about relevant topics in the field. Sometimes we also host researchers from other universities to present recent work and teach new techniques. Our goal is to provide PhD students with an informal and collaborative environment where they can get feedback on their projects and develop their skills to succeed in the job market.
We also run a seminar series — the Social, Behavioral and Experimental Economics or SBEE Seminar Series. Top researchers from around the globe come to Michigan to present their work at the intersection of Economics, Psychology, Computer Science, and Information Science.