Salary History Ban: Private Information Bargaining Experiment


Merve Sariisik

Ph.D. Candidate in Economics

University of Michigan

Time and location

North Quad 4330, Wednesday (1:00-2:00) pm


Salary History Bans are prohibiting prospective employers from asking applicants about their current/past salaries in an attempt to avoid history dependence and protect those with low wages due to reasons other than productivity (e.g. discrimination, entry-level mismatch, …). The laws are changing the dynamics of bargaining by turning the revelation decision into a strategic one for applicants. ——————–> I am working on a renewed experimental design that will produce results that can be used (i) to analyze the bargaining implications of SHB empirically and also (ii) to test the potentially biased belief updating through the use of theoretical predictions, and would very much appreciate your feedback.