Writing Tips
- Writing tips for Ph.D. students: John Cochrane
- The Rhetoric of Economics: Deirdre McCloskey
- Economical Writing: Deirdre McCloskey
On Writing Well: William Zinsser
Learn to Write Badly: How to Succeed in the Social Sciences: Michael Billig
- Classical English Rhetoric: Michael Billig
- An Economists’ Guide to Visualizing Data: Jonathan A. Schwabish
- Classical English Rhetoric: Ward Farnsworth
Presentations Tips
How to Give an Applied Micro Talk: Jesse Shapiro
Tips on how to avoid disaster in presentations: Monika Piazzesi
The Ten Commandments for How to Give a Seminar: Kjetil Storesletten
Public Speaking for Academic Economists: Rachael Meager
Drawing Tips
Publishing Experimental Economics Papers (from the ESA Mentoring program)
Navigating the Publication Process: Featuring Daniela Puzzello, Tim Salmon, Marie Claire Villeval, and Tom Wilkening
Experimental Economics at the AER: Roland Benabou
Experimental papers at AEJ: Micro and Econometrica: Leeat Yariv
JPE; External Validity: John List
Experimental Research: Armin Falk
Useful Links
Last updated: October 23, 2022 by Jingyi Qiu <!– ## Writing tips by topics
List of references on Writing
John Cochrane’s writing tips for Ph.D. students
- Deirdre McCloskey:
- The Rhetoric of Economics, Journal of Economic Literature, 1983 Jun 1;21(2):481-517.
- Economical Writing Economic Inquiry. 1985 Apr;23(2):187-222.
On Writing Well: A must read book on the art of nonfiction writing, by William Zinsser.
Learn to Write Badly: How to Succeed in the Social Sciences, by Michael Billig.
An Economists’ Guide to Visualizing Data — A nice article in the Journal of Economic Perspectives on how not to do plots.
- Classical English Rhetoric, a book on the art of writing. –>