Internal UM
- Rackham Grad Student Grant (onetime, $1.5k for precandidates and $3k for candidates)
- Rackham Conference Travel Grant (once per year, upto $1.4k)
- Dissertation Fellowship (onetime, funding for a semester)
- Student Mini Grants (topics of global scholarship, support community partnerships, or DEI, $1k,deadline early Oct)
- DEI Funding from SI (individual and group DEI efforts ,submit 4-6 weeks before the activity)
- Robert B. Zajonc Scholars Fund (1st or 2nd year students doing research at ISR’s experimental lab)
- Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy ($7.5k, deadline 1st Dec)
- Flexible Grants for Scholars (Expense Support) from Institute for Humane Studies ($2k for conferences, $5 for publication help, 15k for sabbatical, rolling deadline)
Internal UM
- Rackham International Student Fellowship ($10k, international students, Oct 4th)
- CEW Fellowships (women, $2k to $5k, deadline early Feb)
- Rackham Grad Student Emergency Funds (emergency or accident, $2.5k, twice during PhD)
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (US citizen, 3 years of support with stipend of $37k, deadline late Oct)
- Guggenheim Emerging Scholar (PhD Candidates, $25k, deadline 1st Feb)
- International Dissertation Research Fellowship (for field research outside the US, ~$20k)
- Geneva Association (risk and insurance economics, CHF 5k, early Jan)